Unwrapping a world of pure imagination: a golden ticket to team alignment

"What is this, Wonka, some kind of funhouse?

Why, are you having fun?”

“No, I'm not.

Then we must be in the wrong place." - Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Roald Dahl

You’d have to be busy licking an everlasting gobstopper to have missed the recent debacle that was ‘Willy’s Chocolate Experience’ in Glasgow last month. Promises broken, people feeling ripped off, and a team seemingly sent down the Chocolate River.

But how did it come to this? What made people even want to go in the first place? Well, having a glance at their marketing, it certainly looked like you’d be enjoying a world of pure imagination but, as we know, the Snozzberries did not match the wallpaper…

With reports that the visuals for the event were created using AI, it certainly opens up the debate of how and when AI should be used or, at the very least, making sure that its output aligns with what can be produced. But even without AI, how do you ensure your event is telling the right story?

In the world of events, there lies a symbiotic relationship between marketing and production that, when working seamlessly together, elevates the output to the heights of a fizzy lifting drink.

However, as soon as these two crucial elements fall out of sync, the unravelling of success begins.

So how do we make sure that the Scrumdidilyumptious bar you’ve bought, is the Scrumdidilyumptious bar you’re eating? Let’s take a look:

  • Collaboration: Align early so that the messaging and vision are clear, goals and objectives are shared and each aspect complements the other.

  • Communication: Hold regular meetings, email updates, and share tools to reduce the likelihood of misunderstandings or misinterpretations.

  • Consistency: While the majority of the messaging and branding may come from marketing, make sure this is aligned within the production, and that the visuals for the event reinforce the identity and key messages.

  • Opportunities: Gain insights into the roles and responsibilities of each other's team to create understanding and further collaboration.

  • Flexibility: Challenges arise and circumstances change, so being open to adjusting plans when The Unknown arises ensures that the show can go on

  • Evaluation: Going full circle and keeping in line with collaboration and communication post-event, it’s crucial to meet again to discuss lessons learned, and identify where improvements can be made for future planning

  • Celebrate: The event is over! Now it’s the perfect time to get the team together and recognise the successes achieved, the challenges overcome, and the bright future ahead.

So, in an industry that depends on collaboration between suppliers, venues, caterers, etc, it’s imperative to start within your team, aligning internally, communicating effectively and working as harmoniously as a troop of Oompah Loompahs. With everyone working towards the same goals and understanding their roles clearly, you can guarantee that your next event will truly be the Golden Ticket.

To discuss how we can support you with both our fully aligned event production and event marketing services, step into the Great Glass Elevator and let’s soar to new heights of creativity and success.

Want to read more about when events go wrong? Read our post on how to spot a fake event.